1銆丩ift it high 灞曠繀楂橀 this could be the year, 灏卞湪杩欎釜璧涘锛? to celebrate and cheer, 鍏卞悓搴嗙鍠濆僵锛? pitch, bench and terraces, 浠庣悆鍦恒€佹浛琛ュ腑鍒扮湅鍙帮紝 we鈥檙e all wanting the same thing. 鎴戜滑鏈熸湜鍚屼竴鐩爣銆?/p>
2銆? if you believe in us, 濡傛灉浣犵浉淇℃垜浠紝 we won鈥檛 betray that trust, 鎴戜滑涓嶄細杈滆礋杩欎俊浠伙紝 through the streets of manchester, 鍦ㄦ浖褰绘柉鐗圭殑琛楅亾涓婏紝 you鈥檙e gonna hear the people sing: 浣犲皢鍚埌浜轰滑楂樺敱锛? gonna lift it high, 鎴戜滑灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝 gonna lift it high, 灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝 our only limit is the sky. 楂橀浜庝節澶┿€?/p>
3銆? 鈥檆os through the triumph and the grief, 鍥犱负鍘嗙粡杩囪儨鍒╁拰鎮蹭激锛? it鈥檚 all about, it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囷紝涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
4銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
5銆? this could be the team, 灏辨槸杩欐敮闃熶紞锛? to achieve the dream, 灏嗘垚灏辨ⅵ鎯筹紝 we鈥檝e got nothing to prove~but we want it all the same. 鎴戜滑涓嶉渶瑕佽瘉鏄庝粈涔堬紝浣嗘垜浠湡鏈涘悓涓€鐩爣銆?/p>
6銆? united we are, 鎴戜滑鏄浖鑱旓紝 already come so far , 宸茬粡鍘嗚繖涔堝锛? we will not rest until the whole world knows our name. 鎴戜滑涓嶄細鍋滄伅锛岀洿鍒板叏涓栫晫鐭ラ亾鎴戜滑涔嬪悕銆?/p>
7銆? gonna lift it high, gonna lift it high, 鎴戜滑灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝 our only limit is the sky. 楂橀浜庝節澶┿€?/p>
8銆? 鈥檆os through the triumph and the grief, 鍥犱负鍘嗙粡杩囪儨鍒╁拰鎮蹭激锛? it鈥檚 all about, it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囷紝涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
9銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
10銆? gonna lift it high, gonna lift it high, 鎴戜滑灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝 our only limit is the sky. 楂橀浜庝節澶┿€?/p>
11銆? 鈥檆os through the triumph and the grief, 鍥犱负鍘嗙粡杩囪儨鍒╁拰鎮蹭激锛? it鈥檚 all about, it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囷紝涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
12銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
13銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
14銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
15銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
16銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
17銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
18銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
19銆? it鈥檚 all about belief. 涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
20銆? (this could be the year......) 锛堝氨鍦ㄨ繖涓禌瀛b€︹€︼級 琛ュ厖锛? there鈥檚 only one united 鍙湁涓€鏀浖鑱旈槦 there鈥檚 only one united 鍙湁涓€鏀浖鑱旈槦 there鈥檚 only one united 鍙湁涓€鏀浖鑱旈槦 there鈥檚 only one united ! 鍙湁涓€鏀浖鑱旈槦 champione, oh wey,champion ,oh wey, oh wey, oh wey ,oh wey, champione, oh wey,champion ,oh wey, oh wey, oh wey ,oh wey. (champione,鍐犲啗;oh wey,璇皵鍔╄瘝) we retained the premier league 鎴戜滑淇濈暀鑻辫秴鑱旇禌閿︽爣 last year on merseyside 鍘诲勾鍦ㄨ帿瑗挎渤杈?last year on merseyside 鍘诲勾鍦ㄨ帿瑗挎渤杈?last year on merseyside 鍘诲勾鍦ㄨ帿瑗挎渤杈?we retained the premier league 鎴戜滑淇濈暀鑻辫秴鑱旇禌閿︽爣 last year on merseyside 鍘诲勾鍦ㄨ帿瑗挎渤杈?last year on merseyside 鍘诲勾鍦ㄨ帿瑗挎渤杈?ryan giggs, ryan giggs 鐟炴仼路鍚夋牸鏂?鐟炴仼路鍚夋牸鏂?running down the wing 鐩翠笅缈?ryan giggs, ryan giggs 鐟炴仼路鍚夋牸鏂?鐟炴仼路鍚夋牸鏂?running down the wing 鐩翠笅缈?feared by the blues, loved by the reds 浠よ摑鑹插啗鍥㈢晱鎯?璁╃孩鑹插啗鍥㈡鍠?ryan giggs, ryan giggs, ryan giggs 鐟炴仼路鍚夋牸鏂?鐟炴仼路鍚夋牸鏂?鐟炴仼路鍚夋牸鏂?oh teddy, teddy 鍣?鐗硅开,鐗硅开 teddy, teddy, teddy, teddy sheringham 鐗硅开,鐗硅开,鐗硅开,鐗硅开路璋㈡灄姹夊 oh gary, gary 鍣?鍔犻噷,鍔犻噷 gary, gary, gary, gary pallister 鍔犻噷,鍔犻噷,鍔犻噷,鍔犻噷路甯曞埄鏂壒 andy cole, andy cole 瀹夎开路绉戝皵,瀹夎开路绉戝皵 andy, andy cole 瀹夎开,瀹夎开路绉戝皵 when he gets the ball 褰撲粬鎺ュ埌鐞?he scores a goal 浠栬繘鐞冧簡 andy, andy cole 瀹夎开,瀹夎开路绉戝皵 what a goal, what a goal 濂界悆!濂界悆! from andy, andy cole 鏉ヨ嚜瀹夎开,瀹夎开路绉戝皵 give him the ball 缁欎粬鐞?he鈥檒l score a goal 浠栧皢杩涚悆 andy, andy cole 瀹夎开,瀹夎开路绉戝皵 you are my solskjaer 浣犳槸鎴戠殑绱㈠皵鏂厠浜?my only solskjaer 鎴戝敮涓€鐨勭储灏旀柉鍏嬩簹 you make us happy when skies are grey coz when it鈥檚 pouring 褰撳ぉ绌烘槸鐏拌壊鐨?鍥犳涓嬬潃鍊剧泦澶ч洦鏃?浣犳€绘槸缁欐垜浠甫鏉ユ涔?you just keep scoring 浣犲彧闇€淇濇寔杩涚悆 please don鈥檛 take our solskjaer away 璇蜂笉瑕佸甫璧版垜浠殑绱㈠皵鏂厠浜?oh roy keane, he鈥檚 a demon 鍣?缃椾紛路鍩烘仼,浠栨槸榄旀湳甯?he wears a demon鈥檚 hat 浠栨埓涓婇瓟鏈笀鐨勫附瀛?coz when he saw old trafford 鍥犳褰撲粬鐪嬪埌鑰佺壒鎷夌寰?he said 鈥?i fancy that 鈥? 浠栬:"鎴戝枩娆㈠畠" the rest all tried to sigh him 鍏朵綑鐨勪汉閮藉湪鍙规伅 but he chose the red and white 浣嗕粬閫夋嫨浜嗙孩鑹插拰鐧借壊 of world famous man united 鍦ㄤ笘鐣屼笂钁楀悕鐨勬浖鑱旈槦 coz we鈥檙e always dynamite 鍥犱负鎴戜滑鎬绘槸鏈€鐏毚鐨?glory, glory, man united 鍏夎崳灞炰簬鏇艰仈 glory, glory, man united 鍏夎崳灞炰簬鏇艰仈 glory, glory, man united 鍏夎崳灞炰簬鏇艰仈 and the reds go marching on! on! on! 绾㈣壊鍐涘洟鍕囧線鐩村墠 sing up for the champions 涓哄啝鍐涜豹鍞?sing up for the champions 涓哄啝鍐涜豹鍞?sing up for the champions 涓哄啝鍐涜豹鍞?sing up for the champions 涓哄啝鍐涜豹鍞?sing up for the champions 涓哄啝鍐涜豹鍞?sing up for the champions 涓哄啝鍐涜豹鍞?sing up for the champions 涓哄啝鍐涜豹鍞?sing up for the champions ! 涓哄啝鍐涜豹鍞盠ift it high灞曠繀楂橀this could be the year,灏卞湪杩欎釜璧涘锛宼o celebrate and cheer,鍏卞悓搴嗙鍠濆僵锛孭itch, bench and terraces,浠庣悆鍦恒€佹浛琛ュ腑鍒扮湅鍙帮紝we鈥檙e all wanting the same thing.鎴戜滑鏈熸湜鍚屼竴鐩爣銆?/p>
21銆両f you believe in us,濡傛灉浣犵浉淇℃垜浠紝we won鈥檛 betray that trust,鎴戜滑涓嶄細杈滆礋杩欎俊浠伙紝through the streets of manchester,鍦ㄦ浖褰绘柉鐗圭殑琛楅亾涓婏紝you鈥檙e gonna hear the people sing:浣犲皢鍚埌浜轰滑楂樺敱锛欸onna lift it high,鎴戜滑灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝gonna lift it high,灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝our only limit is the sky.楂橀浜庝節澶┿€?/p>
22銆佲€檆os through the triumph and the grief,鍥犱负鍘嗙粡杩囪儨鍒╁拰鎮蹭激锛宨t鈥檚 all about, it鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囷紝涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
23銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
24銆乀his could be the team,灏辨槸杩欐敮闃熶紞锛宼o achieve the dream,灏嗘垚灏辨ⅵ鎯筹紝we鈥檝e got nothing to prove~but we want it all the same.鎴戜滑涓嶉渶瑕佽瘉鏄庝粈涔堬紝浣嗘垜浠湡鏈涘悓涓€鐩爣銆?/p>
25銆乁nited we are,鎴戜滑鏄浖鑱旓紝already come so far ,宸茬粡鍘嗚繖涔堝锛學e will not rest until the whole world knows our name.鎴戜滑涓嶄細鍋滄伅锛岀洿鍒板叏涓栫晫鐭ラ亾鎴戜滑涔嬪悕銆?/p>
26銆丟onna lift it high, gonna lift it high,鎴戜滑灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝our only limit is the sky.楂橀浜庝節澶┿€?/p>
27銆佲€檆os through the triumph and the grief,鍥犱负鍘嗙粡杩囪儨鍒╁拰鎮蹭激锛宨t鈥檚 all about, it鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囷紝涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
28銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
29銆丟onna lift it high, gonna lift it high,鎴戜滑灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝灏嗗睍缈呴珮椋烇紝our only limit is the sky.楂橀浜庝節澶┿€?/p>
30銆佲€檆os through the triumph and the grief,鍥犱负鍘嗙粡杩囪儨鍒╁拰鎮蹭激锛宨t鈥檚 all about, it鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囷紝涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
31銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
32銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
33銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
34銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
35銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
36銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
37銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
38銆乮t鈥檚 all about belief.涓€鍒囧彧鍏充箮淇″康銆?/p>
39銆?this could be the year......)锛堝氨鍦ㄨ繖涓禌瀛b€︹€︼級銆?/p>