澶у濂?灏忛噾鏉ヤ负澶у瑙g瓟浠ヤ笂鐨勯棶棰樸€備粠 鍒版湰涓栫邯涓彾鎶婃垜鍥藉缓璁炬垚锛屼粠 鍒拌繖涓緢澶氫汉杩樹笉鐭ラ亾,鐜板湪璁╂垜浠竴璧锋潵鐪嬬湅鍚э紒
1銆佷粠路路路路路路鍒扮殑鑻辨枃锛欶rom... tofrom 璇绘硶 鑻甭燵fr蓲m; fr蓹m]聽聽缇幝燵fr蕦m]聽prep. 鏉ヨ嚜锛屼粠锛涚敱浜庯紱浠婂悗鐭锛歰ut from聽浠庘€︿腑杩稿嚭2銆乫rom then on聽浠庨偅鏃惰捣3銆乼o and from聽寰€杩旓紱鏉ユ潵鍥炲洖4銆乫rom out of聽浠庘€︿箣涓?銆乨ue from聽搴旀敹鎵╁睍璧勬枡涓€銆丗rom鐨勮瘝涔夎鲸鏋愶細mould, shape, from, forge杩欑粍璇嶉兘鏈夆€滀娇鎴愬舰鈥濈殑鎰忔€濓紝鍏跺尯鍒槸锛歮ould聽閫氬父鎸囨妸鏈夊欢灞曟€х殑鏉愭枡娴囬摳鎴栧鎴愭墍闇€褰㈢姸鐨勭墿鍝併€?/p>
5銆佷簩銆丗rom鐨勮繎涔夎瘝锛歴hapeshape 璇绘硶 鑻甭燵蕛e瑟p]聽聽缇幝燵蕛ep]聽n. 褰㈢姸锛涙ā鍨嬶紱韬潗锛涘叿浣撳寲2銆乿t. 褰㈡垚锛涘閫狅紝浣挎垚褰紱浣跨鍚?銆乿i. 褰㈡垚锛涙垚褰紱鎴愰暱鐭锛歵ooth shape聽榻垮舰锛涢娇寤?銆乻hape change聽褰㈠彉3銆乺ound shape聽鍦嗗舰锛涘渾棰嗗彛锛涘渾褰㈣劯4銆乻hape memory effect聽褰㈢姸璁板繂鏁堝簲5銆乴ine shape聽绾垮舰锛岃氨绾垮舰鐘秄rom鈥o... 濡俧rom top to bottom from top to bottom 浠庝笂鍒颁笅a: maybe you lost your wallet in this room.hi.baidu.com - 鍩轰簬58涓綉椤礷rom the top downfrom the teeth outwards 鍦ㄨ〃闈笂from the top down 浠庝笂鍒颁笅from the womb to the tomb 浠庣敓鍒版1. ...was lowered from...to... ...浠?..涓嬮檷鍒?.. 2. from entrance to graduation 浠庡叆瀛﹀埌姣曚笟 3. from noon to midnight 浠庝腑鍗堝埌鍗婂 4. since the spring festival. 浠庢槬鑺傚埌鐜板湪銆?/p>
6銆?5. from dubai to khartoum 浠庤开鎷滃埌鍠€鍦熺﹩ 6. count from one to twenty 浠?鏁板埌20 7. from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom 浠庡繀鐒剁帇鍥藉埌鑷敱鐜嬪浗 8. fore and aft 浠庤埞澶村埌鑸瑰熬 9. on the difference of cmmi and cmm 浠嶤mm鍒癈mmi 10. from adobe to zeitgeist 浠嶢鍒癦鈥斺€斾粠adobe鍒癦eitgeistfrom...to...(from here to there)from....to...from...to...銆?/p>