1銆佸皬瀛︿竴骞寸骇鐨勮嫳鏂囷細first grade of primary school鍙岃渚嬪彞灏辫繖鏍锋垜鐨勫皬瀛︿竴骞寸骇锛屼篃鏄钩鐢熺涓€娆′笂瀛﹀爞灏辫繖鏍峰渾婊$粨鏉熴€?/p>
2銆丼o my primary school grade one, but also for the first time on school so successfully concluded.2銆佹垜浠€绘槸鎵撶數璇濓紝浣嗘槸鎴戜粠鏉ヤ笉鐭ラ亾浠栧皬瀛︿竴骞寸骇鍒板叓骞寸骇鐨勬晠浜嬨€?/p>
3銆丄nd we lived on the phone, but i didn鈥檛 know he was in a small class from the first grade to the eighth grade.聽3銆佸湪缇庡浗锛屼粠灏忓涓€骞寸骇鍒?2骞寸骇(楂樹笁)鏄厤璐圭殑锛屽鏍$殑璐圭敤鐢辨墍鍦ㄧ殑鍩庡競銆佸煄闀囨敮浠樸€?/p>
4銆両n the us, schooling is free from grade 1 to grade 12, and school costs are paid by the cities and towns.鎵╁睍璧勬枡锛氥€愮浉浼艰瘝缁勩€?聽 聽灏忓涓€骞寸骇瀛︾敓聽first聽grade聽primary聽school聽pupil 聽 聽2銆?聽 聽灏忓涓€骞寸骇鑻辫浣滄枃聽my聽dog聽;聽this聽morning聽;聽my聽friends聽and聽;聽my聽home 聽 聽3銆?聽 聽灏忓涓€鑷充笁骞寸骇聽the聽primary聽grades 聽 聽4銆?聽 聽缇庡浗灏忓涓€骞寸骇绾у埆聽caretakerslevel 聽 聽5銆?聽 聽灏忓涓€骞寸骇鐨勪集鏍悸燦athaniel聽berger 聽 聽6銆?聽 聽鍦ㄦ垜灏忓涓€骞寸骇鐨勬椂鍊櫬營n聽my聽first聽grade聽when 聽 聽7銆?聽 聽灏忓涓€骞寸骇鏁欏鍔炲叕瀹ぢ燩rimary聽one聽classroom聽office缇庡紡鑻辫鏄疐irst grade锛屼笉鐢ㄥ啓鈥滃皬瀛︹€濓紝鍥犱负鍦ㄧ編鍥藉垵涓€鏄竷骞寸骇锛岄珮涓€鏄崄骞寸骇锛屾墍浠ヤ粠灏忓鍒伴珮涓彧鏈変竴涓€滀竴骞寸骇鈥濆姞锛氬垰鎵嶆煡浜嗕笅锛岃嫳鍥藉鏍$敤鐨勬槸year 1, year 2, year 3...涔熷氨鏄锛岃捣鐮佽嫳鍥藉拰缇庡浗閮戒笉鐢℅rade one in primary school銆?/p>
5銆佸皬瀛︿竴骞寸骇 [缃戠粶] first grade; [渚嬪彞]瀛╁瓙浠彲浠ュ涔犳暟瀛楀拰瀛楁瘝瀹规槗涓€鏃﹁繘鍏ュ辜鍎垮洯鎴栧皬瀛︿竴骞寸骇銆?/p>
6銆丆hildren can learn numbers and letters easily once they enter kindergarten or first grade.缇庡浗灏忓 涓€骞寸骇first grade/grade one涓ょ璇存硶閮藉彲浠?銆?/p>