1銆佹浜¢噾灞炰箰闃熶唬琛細1.cannibal corpse 2.death 3.vader 4.morbid angel 5.bolt thrower 6.hypocrisy 7.deicide 8.behemoth 9.nile 10.bloodbath 绛夌瓑锛涙棆寰嬫浜¢噾灞炰箰闃熶唬琛細1.in flames 2.dark tranquillity 3.children of bodom 4.arch enemy 5.soilwork 6.amon amarth 7.insomnium 8.scar symmetry 9.kalmah 10.norther 绛夌瓑锛涙鏍镐箰闃熶唬琛細1.bring me the horizon 2.suicide silence 3.all shall perish 4.whitechapel 5.despised icon 6.carnifex 7.chelsea grin 8.we butter the bread with butter 9.job for a cowboy 10.as blood runs black 绛夌瓑锛涒€︹€amb of godsweet dreamscoma white閮芥槸marilyn manson 鐨勭帥涓借幉. 鏇兼.鍚嶅瓧鏄€ф劅濂虫槦鐜涗附鑾?姊﹂湶鍜屾潃浜虹媯榄旀煡灏旀柉.鏇兼.瑙夊緱杩欏嚑棣栨瓕杩樹笉閿欏叾浠栫殑浜嗚в鐨勪笉澶氫綘鐨勬剰鎬濇槸姝婚噾锛熸閲戜篃鏈夊緢澶氭祦娲俱€?/p>
2銆佷笉鐭ラ亾lz浠€涔堟剰鎬漝eicidecannibal corpse鏍囧織鎬х殑涓や釜涔愰槦姝讳骸鎽囨粴鏄粈涔堬紵death涔愰槦銆?/p>