锘? 鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎鍑拏浣╅噷-九游官网网页版


瀵艰 澶у濂?灏忛槼鏉ヤ负澶у瑙g瓟浠ヤ笂鐨勯棶棰樸€傛垜鐨勪竴閮ㄥ垎鍑拏浣╅噷杩欎釜寰堝浜鸿繕涓嶇煡閬?鐜板湪璁╂垜浠竴璧锋潵鐪嬬湅鍚э紒1銆丏ays like this i want to


1銆丏ays like this i want to drive away銆€銆€鎴戣璧惰蛋杩欐牱鐨勬棩瀛愩€€銆€pack my bags and watch your shadow fade銆€銆€鏀舵嬀琛屾潕 鐪嬩綘鐨勫奖瀛愯お鑹层€€銆€you chewed me up and spit me out like銆€銆€鍥犱负浣犲拃鍤兼垜鍜岀劧鍚庡悙鍑恒€€銆€i was poison in your mouth銆€銆€灏卞儚鎴戞槸鍦ㄤ綘鐨勫槾閲岀殑姣掕嵂銆€銆€you took my light, you drained me down銆€銆€浣犲ず璧版垜鐨勫厜鏄庛€€鎶婃垜鎵旀帀銆€銆€but that was then and this is now銆€銆€閭f槸浠ュ墠鑰岃繖鏄幇鍦ㄣ€€銆€now look at me銆€銆€鐜板湪鐪嬬潃鎴戙€€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€throw your sticks and stones銆€銆€鎵旀帀浣犵殑鏈ㄦ鍜岀煶鍧椼€€銆€throw your bombs and your blows銆€銆€鎵旀帀浣犵殑鐐脊鍜屼綘鐨勫嚮鎵撱€€銆€but you鈥檙e not gonna break my soul銆€銆€浣嗕綘涓嶄細鎯婂姩鎴戠殑鐏甸瓊銆€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€i just wanna throw my phone away銆€銆€鎴戝彧鏄兂鎵旀帀鎵嬫満銆€銆€find out who is really there for me you ripped me off銆€銆€鎵惧嚭璋佹槸鐪熸閫傚悎鎴?鍥犱负浣犱激瀹充簡鎴戙€€銆€your love was cheap銆€銆€浣犵殑鐖辨槸寤変环鐨勩€€銆€was always tearing at the seams銆€銆€鎬绘槸鍦ㄦ剤鍚堝鎾曡銆€銆€i fell deep and you let me drown銆€銆€鎴戞繁闄凤紝浣犺鎴戞饭娌°€€銆€but that was then and this is now銆€銆€閭f槸浠ュ墠鑰岃繖鏄幇鍦ㄣ€€銆€now look at me銆€銆€鐜板湪鐪嬬潃鎴戙€€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€throw your sticks and stones銆€銆€鎵旀帀浣犵殑鏈ㄦ鍜岀煶鍧椼€€銆€throw your bombs and your blows銆€銆€鎵旀帀浣犵殑鐐脊鍜屼綘鐨勫嚮鎵撱€€銆€but you鈥檙e not gonna break my soul銆€銆€浣犱笉浼氭儕鍔ㄦ垜鐨勭伒榄傘€€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶄細姘歌繙绂绘垜鑰屽幓銆€銆€now look at me,銆€銆€鐜板湪鐪嬬潃鎴戙€€銆€i鈥檓 sparkling a firework, a dancing flame銆€銆€鎴戞槸涓€涓棯鑰€鐨勭儫鑺?涓€涓烦鑸炵殑鐏劙銆€銆€you won鈥檛 ever put me out again銆€銆€浣犲啀涔熶笉鑳界唲鐏垜銆€銆€i鈥檓 going,銆€銆€鎴戝湪鍙戝厜銆€銆€oh woah oh so you can銆€銆€鍣?鑰?浣犺兘鍋氬埌銆€銆€keep the diamond ring銆€銆€淇濈暀閽荤煶鎴掓寚銆€銆€it don鈥檛 mean nothing anyway銆€銆€鍙嶆涔熶笉鎰忓懗鐫€浠€涔堛€€銆€in fact you can keep everything yeah, yeah銆€銆€浜嬪疄涓?浣犺兘淇濈暀浣忔墍鏈変笢瑗裤€€銆€except for me銆€銆€闄や簡鎴戙€€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€throw your sticks and stones銆€銆€鎵旀帀浣犵殑鏈ㄦ鍜岀煶鍧椼€€銆€throw your bombs and your blows銆€銆€鎵旀帀浣犵殑鐐脊鍜屼綘鐨勫嚮鎵撱€€銆€but you鈥檙e not gonna break my soul銆€銆€浣犱笉浼氭儕鍔ㄦ垜鐨勭伒榄傘€€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€throw your sticks and stones銆€銆€鎵旀帀浣犵殑鏈ㄦ鍜岀煶鍧椼€€銆€throw your bombs and your blows銆€銆€鎵旀帀浣犵殑鐐脊鍜屼綘鐨勫嚮鎵撱€€銆€but you鈥檙e not gonna break my soul銆€銆€浣嗕綘涓嶄細鎯婂姩鎴戠殑鐏甸瓊銆€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€this is the part of me that you鈥檙e never gonna ever take away from me, no銆€銆€杩欐槸鎴戠殑涓€閮ㄥ垎 浣犵粷涓嶈兘浠庢垜杩欓噷甯﹁蛋銆€銆€寤鸿鍏堢敤缃戜笂璇嶅吀鏌ュ嚭涓€涓釜璇嶏紝鍏堝浼氭瘡涓瘝鍐嶇粌姝屻€?/p>


