锘? 2012涓€冭嫳璇紙2012涓€冭嫳璇級-九游官网网页版


瀵艰 澶у濂?灏忛槼鏉ヤ负澶у瑙g瓟浠ヤ笂鐨勯棶棰樸€?012涓€冭嫳璇紝2012涓€冭嫳璇繖涓緢澶氫汉杩樹笉鐭ラ亾,鐜板湪璁╂垜浠竴璧锋潵鐪嬬湅鍚э紒1銆佷腑鑰冨彞鍨?0锛? as soon


1銆佷腑鑰冨彞鍨?0锛?.as soon as 涓€鈥?..灏扁€?.as鈥︹€s鈥? 鍜屸€?.涓€鏍封€ot as / so鈥? as鈥? 涓嶅锛涗笉鍍忊€﹂偅涔堝湴鈥?.as鈥? as possible 灏斤紙鍙兘锛夆€?.ask 锛坰b.锛?for sth. 锛堝悜鏌愪汉锛夎/瀵绘眰鏌愮墿5.ask / tell sb. to do sth. 鍙紙璁╋級/鍛婅瘔鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜媋sk / tell sb. not to do sth. 鍙紙璁╋級/鍛婅瘔鏌愪汉涓嶅仛鏌愪簨6.ask / tell sb. how to do sth. 闂?鍛婅瘔鏌愪汉濡備綍鍋氭煇浜?.be afraid of sb. / sth. / doing sth. 瀹虫€曟煇浜? 鏌愪簨/ 鍋氭煇浜媌e afraid that 鎭愭€曗€?8.both鈥?and鈥? 鏃⑩€?鍙?.give/ show/ send / pass / bring / lend / tell /buy sb. sth. 缁欐煇浜烘煇鐗? 缁欐煇浜虹湅鈥?鍚戞煇浜哄睍绀衡€? 瀵勭粰鎴栭€佺粰鏌愪汉鏌愮墿/ 閫掔粰鏌愪汉鏌愮墿 / 缁欐煇浜哄甫鏉ユ煇鐗? 鍊熺粰鏌愪汉鏌愮墿/ 缁欐煇浜鸿杩版煇浜? 缁欐煇浜轰拱鏌愮墿10.give/ show/ send / pass / bring / lend / tell sth. to sb. / buy sth. for sb 锛堝悓涓婏級 11.either鈥? or鈥? 涓嶆槸鈥﹀氨鏄紱 鎴栬€呪€︽垨鑰咃紱瑕佷箞鈥?瑕佷箞12.neither鈥? nor鈥? 鏃笉鈥?涔熶笉, 涓よ€呴兘涓嶁€?3.enjoy / hate/ finish / mind / keep锛坥n锛?/ go on doing sth. 鍠滄/璁ㄥ帉/瀹屾垚/ 浠嬫剰/ 鍧氭寔 /缁х画鍋氭煇浜?4.get 姣旇緝绾? 鍙樺緱鈥?15.get on /=along ( well ) with sb./ sth. 涓庢煇浜虹浉澶勶紙铻嶆唇锛? 鏌愪簨杩涘睍锛堥『鍒╋級16.get ready for sth. 涓衡€?鍋氬噯澶噂et sth. ready 鎶娾€?鍑嗗濂絙e ready for 涓?鈥? 鍑嗗灏辩华锛堝ソ浜嗭級17.had better (not ) do sth. 鏈€濂藉仛锛堝埆鍋氾級鏌愪簨18.help sb. ( to ) do sth. 锛堝姩璇嶏級 甯姪鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜媓elp sb. with sth. 锛堝悕璇嶏級 19.be busy doing sth. 蹇欑潃鍋氭煇浜?0.be famous / late / sorry for 鍥犫€﹁憲鍚?/ 鈥? 杩熷埌浜? 涓衡€? 鎰熷埌閬楁喚銆佹姳姝?1.be glad that 浠庡彞 楂樺叴鈥? be glad to do sth. 楂樺叴鍋氭煇浜?2.i don鈥檛 think that 鑲畾浠庡彞 鎴戣涓衡€︿笉( 娌?鈥?3.i would like to do sth. 鎴戞兂骞叉煇浜? would you like to do sth. 浣犳効涓嶆効鎰?鎯充笉鎯冲共鈥?4.it takes/ took/will take/ has taken鈥b. some time to do sth. 鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜嬬敤銆?/p>

2銆佹椂闂达紱 鍋氭煇浜嬬敤鏌愪汉鈥?鏃堕棿25.sb. spend time/ money on sth. 锛堟煇浜哄仛鏌愪簨鐢ㄤ簡銆?/p>

3銆佹椂闂存垨閽憋級 sb. spend time/ money ( in ) doing sth. 26. be good/ bad for sth. 瀵光€?鏈夊ソ澶?瀹冲27. it鈥檚 adj.( for sb.) to do sth. 锛堝鏌愪汉鏉ヨ锛夊仛鏌愪簨鏄€?/p>

4銆佺殑 s find(s) /think(s) it adj. for sb. to do sth.鏌愪汉瑙夊緱/璁や负鍋氭煇浜嬶紙瀵规煇 鈥?.锛?8. it鈥檚 time to do sth. 锛堝姩璇嶏級 璇ュ仛鏌愪簨浜嗭紝鏄€?鐨勬椂鍊欎簡 it鈥檚 time for sth. 锛堝悕璇嶏級29.stop to do sth. 鍋滀笅锛堝幓锛夊仛鏌愪簨 stop doing sth. 鍋滄鍋氭煇浜?0.stop sb/ sth from doing sth. 闃绘鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜? 锛?stopped锛? =keep/ prevent sb. from doing sth.31. it鈥檚 two meters/ kilometers long (wide, high/ tall/ deep) 绫?鍏噷闀匡紙瀹斤紝楂橈紝娣憋級 it鈥檚 鈥?years old. 鈥?鐨勫巻鍙?2. keep sb. doing sth. 璁╂煇浜轰竴鐩村仛鏌愪簨33. keep / make sth. adj. 璁┾€︿繚鎸佲€?(鐨勭姸鎬? / 璁╋紙浣匡級鈥?濡備綍 34. like to do sth. like doing sth. 鍠滄鍋氭煇浜?5. make / let / have sb. do sth. 璁╂煇浜哄仛鏌愪簨36. not鈥?. at all 鏍规湰涓嶏紱 涓€鐐逛笉37. not only鈥? but also 涓嶄絾鈥? 鑰屼笖, 涓嶄粎鈥﹁繕鈥?8. not鈥ntil 鐩村埌鈥?鎵?9. one鈥? the other鈥?涓€涓€?鍙︿竴涓€︼紙涓よ€咃級 some鈥?.others鈥? 涓€浜涒€?鍙︿竴浜涒€? some鈥?the others 涓€浜?鍓╀笅鐨勫叏閮?0. hear / see sb. do sth. 鍚/鐪嬭鏌愪汉鍋氫簡鏌愪簨 hear / see sb. doing sth. 鍚/鐪嬭鏌愪汉鍦ㄥ仛鏌愪簨 41. so褰? 鍓瘝鍘熷舰 that 浠庡彞锛堣偗/鍚︼級 澶€佸緢鈥?缁撴灉锛夆€?2. too褰? 鍓瘝鍘熷舰 to do sth. 澶€屼笉鑳?3. take / bring sth. with sb. 闅忚韩鎼哄甫44. the 姣旇緝绾?涓昏 璋撹 , the 姣旇緝绾?涓昏 璋撹鈥? 瓒娾€?灏辫秺鈥?45. there is something wrong with sb. / sth. 鏌愪汉涓嶈垝鏈?鏌愮墿鍑烘瘺鐥?6. what鈥檚 wrong/ the matter with sb. / sth鈥?? 鎬庝箞浜嗭紵47. used to be/ do sth. 杩囧幓鏄€?/p>

5銆侊紝杩囧幓(缁忓父)鍋氭煇浜?(鏆楃ず鐜板湪涓嶈繖鏍蜂簡)48. what about ( doing ) sth鈥? / how about (doing ) sth. 鈥︽€庝箞鏍? 鈥?濂戒笉濂斤紵49. why not do sth鈥?? 涓轰粈涔堜笉鍋氭煇浜嬫煇浜嬶紵锛堟彁寤鸿锛?0. will(= would=could ) you please ( not ) do sth鈥﹁浣犲共锛堜笉骞诧級鏌愪簨濂藉悧锛燂紙鎻愯姹傦級銆?/p>

