澶у濂?灏忛槼鏉ヤ负澶у瑙g瓟浠ヤ笂鐨勯棶棰樸€俰n the morning light閽㈢惔锛宨n the morning杩欎釜寰堝浜鸿繕涓嶇煡閬?鐜板湪璁╂垜浠竴璧锋潵鐪嬬湅鍚э紒
2銆侀鍏堬紝in the morning 鏄病鏈夋寚鏄庡叿浣撴棩鏈熺殑锛屾瘮濡傦細鎴戠粡甯稿湪鏃╀笂鐪嬩功銆?/p>
3銆両 usually read books in the morning.鑰宱n the morning鏄寚鏄庡叿浣撴煇澶╃殑鏃╀笂锛屼竴鑸墠闈㈡湁褰㈠鎬ц瘝淇グ鎴栬€呭悗闈㈠姞of锛屾瘮濡傦細鏄熸湡涓€鏃╀笂鎴戜細鍑哄幓銆?/p>
4銆丱n monday morning锛圤n the morning of monday) i will go out.2銆佸湪涓€涓櫞鏈楃殑鏃╂櫒锛屾垜閱掓潵杩熶簡銆?/p>
5銆丱n a sunny morning i woke up late.3銆佸湪1996骞?鏈?0鏃ョ殑鏃╀笂锛屾垜鎰熻寰堝樊銆?/p>
6銆丱n the morning of sep.10th, 1996, i felt bad.鑻ヤ笉鎳傝杩介棶銆?/p>
7銆佹眰閲囩撼锛乮n the morning ,浣嗗叿浣撳埌鏌愪竴澶╂棭涓婂氨鐢╫n锛屾瘮濡俹n monday morning鏄疘n the morning 濡傛灉瀹炲湪鏌愪竴澶╃殑鏃╀笂灏辩敤on銆?/p>
9銆佸氨鏄痮n the monday morning涓€鑸兘鏄痠n the morning 濡傛灉morning鍓嶆湁淇グ璇?鎵嶄細鐢╫n 姣斿 on friday morning銆?/p>