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瀵艰 澶у濂?灏忛槼鏉ヤ负澶у瑙g瓟浠ヤ笂鐨勯棶棰樸€傚晢鍔¤嫳璇枃绔犲湪鍝壘锛屽晢鍔¤嫳璇枃绔犺繖涓緢澶氫汉杩樹笉鐭ラ亾,鐜板湪璁╂垜浠竴璧锋潵鐪嬬湅鍚э紒1銆丏ear sirs,thank


1銆丏ear sirs,thank you for your letter. but i am sorry to inform you that it is very difficult for us to accept your counter-offer, 2% off is the best we can do.you can compare our products with the others. i am sure you can find the difference, since our products are of superior quality. they are well received all around the world.the last but not least, i think quality is more important than the price. if you spend less money, then you will get less-qualified products. so you will get what you pay for. being said above, your prompt reply will be much appreciated. yours faithfully,甯屾湜瀵逛綘鏈夋墍甯姪銆?/p>

